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May be an AI Researcher.


Zilin Xiao is a first-year CS PhD student in VisLang lab at Rice University, advised by Prof. Vicente Ordonez. He was fortunated to intern at MEGVII Research, Microsoft. His recent research interests lie in:

  • Foundation Models for Information Retrieval and Reranking
  • Language Agents and Vision Generalists
  • Knowledge Grounding with Different Modalities

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Tips: Enquiries relating to personal projects are preferred to be discussed at the issue topic of the specific repository or via emails. Other methods of contacting me (QQ, Wechat, etc.) ARE NOT welcomed unless advised.


[2023.10] Two first-authored papers are accepted to EMNLP'23 (InsGENEL for Main and CoherentED for Findings).

[2023.08] Zilin is now a first-year PhD student at Rice.

[2022.08] Zilin joined Deep Ivy as a part-time MLE. Join us in building a unified machine learning framework!

[2022.08] Zilin joined EdgeML Team @ Microsoft as a gap-year research intern.

[2022.04] One paper is accepted to IJCNN'22.

[2021.05] Zilin's team Data Oriented ranks top 3 out of 600+ teams in Plant Pathology 2021 - FGVC8 Kaggle competition (originally for CVPRW2021) [Leaderboard here]. Thank Jiazhi's hard work!

[2020.12] Zilin has been awarded the National Scholarship for 2 successive years!

[2020.12] Zilin earned Grand Prize of the 1st MegMeet Cup Technology Innovation Competition with the project Hyper-Table-OCRGitHub stars.

[2020.08] Zilin earned the Second Prize of China Software Cup: College Student Software Design Competition.

[2020.06] Zilin joined Prof. Yanan Sun's Lab as a research assistant, focusing on evolutionary neural architecture search and its related works.


Rice University
Ph.D. in Computer Science with Prof. Vicente Ordóñez Román
Aug 2023 - Present

Sichuan University
B.Eng. in Computer Science with Prof. Yanan Sun
Sep 2018 - Jun 2022


Residency Research Internship with Linjun Shou, Aug. 2022 - Jun. 2023
Focus on knowledge-aware and topic-driven entity linking with retrieval-augmented language models.

Deep Ivy Inc.
Part-time Machine Learning Engineer with Daniel Lenton, Aug. 2022 - Nov. 2022
Develop tensor and gradient conversion modules for Ivy among different ML Frameworks.

MEGVII Research
Research Internship with Prof. Shuaicheng Liu, Mar. 2021 - Jul. 2021
Focus on unsupervised image alignment and 3D vision.

Machine Intelligence Lab, Sichuan University
Research Assistant with Prof. Yanan Sun, Jun. 2020 - Jun. 2022
Focus on evolutionary neural architecture search and its related applications on computer vision.

Awards & Service

National Scholarship Top 0.2% nationwide, 2019

National Scholarship Top 0.2% nationwide, 2020

Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of Sichuan University 2022.06

Star of Computer Science, Sichuan University 2022.06

Reviewer: EMNLP 2023, ACL ARR 2024

Hobbies (Click to Expand)

Blockchain: I believe blockchain-driven technologies will eventually change the order of global finance. Fans of Solidity Programming, Cryptocurrencies and DeFi.

Trading: Observing the market and making profits.

Law: Law trains people to think logically. Knowledge of the Criminal Laws in Mainland China.

Flight Simulator: Enjoying on Airbus A320-neo with Microsoft Flight Simulator!